Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Living in Limbo

We made it! The flight was easy and very symbolic of our transfer process from one life to another - "all that we can't leave behind" came with us in-hand, which basically comes down to the four of us in our family. Everything else can be bought, borrowed or left out. Now begins the journey of rebuilding (buying) our cache of life stuff. We started with survival basics. After arriving in Copenhagen and getting into our new house, we had 1 hour to get to IKEA and buy sheets and blankets to sleep on our air mattresses. Had falafel and pizza for our first meal and bought toilet paper and soap on the way home at the only place open on a Saturday night.

The second day was dedicated to figuring out where we live and where we can get what we need. The third day was back to IKEA (twice) to get more essentials- thank goodness it's only 2miles down the road! Yesterday I built furniture and Craig and I slept in our own bed for the first time in 3 weeks. We now have enough kitchen stuff to make limited meals and eat at home. Everything takes a while to figure out: the bus, the dishwasher, the washer and dryer, the oven, groceries, menus, mail, garbage, phones, trains, etc. etc. The learning curve is straight up!

It will be a while before we get our house connected to internet for communication and cable for T.V. I may have a phone next week, but not sure it it's a land line or cell. In the mean time, we are living without communication and the girls are using their imagination! It's amazing what can be done with one doll, hair ties and lots of cardboard boxes! Today we are at the Hellerup library using the internet.

Craig is in Aarhus, Denmark for a couple of days and nights, changing over the systems data for Lacrosse. We're on our own and plan on eating at one of the 6 pizza places within a 1 mile radius of our house.

Tomorrow the girls take a test and get oriented at school and we will meet other families. They start school August 20th. And yes, they have back-to-school sales here, just like in the states.

I want to thank all of you who supported us on our journey to get here, either physically or just energetically. It was your well wishes and excellent thoughts that lifted us up and carried us to our destination. The universe offered no resistance whatsoever in this life-changing transformation. May we continue to be bouyed by your support and love and carry that with us. As I got on the plane I felt nothing but love. My blessings and love back to you all.


Michelle Rafter said...

Thanks for the update MJ. When you get around to it, a couple suggestions:

* Put the URL for the blog in your email sig.

* Put an RSS reader button on your blog, so people can subscribe to it and get your latest posts delivered to their email inbox or blog reader software. That way we'll get the latest info as soon as you post it.

Love your technogeeky blogging sister,


Michelle Rafter said...

P.S. Living that close to Ikea could definitely be dangerous. Try the meatball dinner in the cafeteria, and the apple strudel with vanilla sauce. They also have a good in-store market where you can buy that stuff & take it home (like the frozen meatballs).


Unknown said...

Hi from Dad & me in Crosswater. Loving our high 90's here & love hearing from you. Photos are so appreciated! Keep us posted and lots of love to all of you
! Mom