Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mating Season in Dyrrehavn "The Deer Park"

Fall is in bloom here. The colors of the leaves changing are beautiful. Mornings can be stormy with high winds and heavy rains and then change completely over to sunny afternoons. Mornings are cold enough to wear winter coats, gloves and hats biking to school but give way to warmer temperatures in the afternoon.

I rode through Dyrrehavn (The Deer Park) last week and witnessed hundreds of deer and many stags with many points on their antlers. They are bellowing like crazy. Many schools are taking field trips there as well as locals going for walks to see the beauty of all kinds of nature. Maya and Molly will join dozens of other school this Friday in the park on a national recreation day. They let all children out for organized exercise to promote health and well-being.

We are cruising along with daily life. Still buying things to organize the house, girls getting more in to school and Craig into work. He is renting a temporary office downtown for a while. We have the girls parent-teacher conferences today. We had a wonderful outing last weekend with another family (British) and visited an outdoor museum of 18th and 19th century Danish farm houses that have been collected and brought together near Copenhagen. Later we had them over for dinner and find that entertaining is a wonderful grounding experience.

I sat one afternoon with a dutch mom while Maya hung out with her friend. She's been all over the world and is the most down-to-earth, gracious lady. Her daughter is a tom-boy, like Maya, and they watched Disney channel and did Web-Kinz together. Maya was in heaven.

Our internet-cable situation continues. The phone company must dig a new line from the street to the house and hook us up. You'd think some one would have figured that out before we moved in, but instead we had to fumble in communication darkness for months to get it done. Our landlord is handling it now.

While we wait, my mother, Carole will arrive this Friday, October 10th for a visit. she will join us the following week as we take our first big trip to Andalucia, Spain. We will be staying both coastal and inland, in Sevilla. I have been putting together a lodging itinerary on what short internet time I can get. The girls have mid-term break from school. Grandma will then stay another full week in Copenhagen so she can play tourist. We are very excited!

We wish you all well and drop us a line at thecohen4dk@gmail.com any time


Paul Hehn said...

Spain! That sounds terrific!

Paul Hehn said...

See, I'm willing to add meaningless comments to this board to artificially inflate its internet popularity. It's what all the big players do.