Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Day - Proud to be an American

Congratulations America. I am so proud of my country's citizens for showing up to vote in what will go down in history as the most amazing election of all time. It has restored my faith in American nature - that we are in this together and that we can effect a change. However, the charisma and intent of Barack Obama is what inspired that change. I look forward to being on his team as he leads us and continues to inspire the country into our greatest era. I pray that this is the country's darkest hour and that this moment in history is the dawn of the new day.

I am proud that my country is choosing to believe in hope over fear. Hope is like a coat of positive energy that we individually wear and collectively as a country will give us newfound strength and courage that is needed to rise above.

Today is the first day that I really wished I could be at home to share in the celebration with fellow Americans. It's just not the same via internet and one measley CNN station. Molly and Maya didn't quite understand my tears of joy, but they will remember their mom celebrating this day. I remember alternately crying tears of grief 7 years ago on 9-11. It's taken this moment to begin to reverse that grief as a nation.

I unite with my American citizens in joy, relief and pride. Bring on the change. I'll wave my flag in Denmark.

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